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Climate Change and Writing the Canadian Arctic explores the impact of climate change on Canadian literary culture. Analysis of the changing rhetoric surrounding the discovery of the lost ships of the Franklin expedition serves to highlight the political and economic interests that have historically motivated Canada’s approach to the Arctic and shaped literary representations. A recent shift in Canadian writing away from national sovereignty to circumpolar stewardship is revealed in detailed close readings of Kathleen Winter’s Boundless and Sheila Watt-Cloutier’s The Right to Be Cold.
Canadian arctic glacial melt landscapes revealed for the canadian arctic may be having its warmest century in at least 115000 years according to a study published this month in the journal nature communications
Most northern tip of canadian arctic sets june temperature the most northern permanently inhabited region on earth shattered a temperature record just weeks into the summer season alert nunavut reached 188c on june 28 which beats out its previous
Implications of changing climate for the arctic climate change will lead to rising sea levels in the arctic ocean proshutinsky et al 2001 and other northern seas climate warming affects global sea level through ocean thermal expansion and additional water transfers to the ocean basins from melting glaciers and ice sheets
The face of climate change how inuit youth lead the fight the face of climate change how inuit youth lead the fight to save the arctic maatalii okalik is taking the young voice of the canadian arctic to the global climate change talks in paris we
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Arctic climate change wwf arctic the arctic is warming at a rate of almost twice the global average without urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions the world will continue to feel the effects of a warming arctic rising sea levels changes in climate and precipitation patterns increasing severe weather events and loss of fish stocks birds and marine mammals
Report on adaptation to climate change activities in arctic climate impact assessment acia and in the upcoming canada national assessment 2007 of climate change impacts in recent years the government of canada provided support to numerous projects aimed at identifying the impacts of climate change and some of the potential adaptation options available to canadians in the north indian and